Craggy Pinnacle Hiking Trail - Blue Ridge Parkway 364.1

Blue Ridge Parkway Hikes - Craggy Pinnacle Hiking Trail

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Review of Craggy Pinnacle Hiking Trail


1.5 Miles, Rountrip, Moderate

How to get there: Driving from Asheville, take the Blue Ridge Parkway North for 18 miles. You'll first pass the Craggy Gardens Picnic Area and Visitor Center and secondly pass under the Craggy Pinnacle tunnel. After both these landmarks, you'll turn left into the Craggy Dome overlook, which is just past the tunnel. The mile marker is 364.1. We suggest you park in the upper parking lot. The Craggy Pinnacle trail begins there.


The Hike:The Craggy Pinnacle Trail (which also has views of the Craggy Dome) is best known for it's outstanding views. Make that *really* outstanding views : ). To begin the hike, glance around for this trailhead, which will be located near the upper parking lot. Like the sign says, the hike is a relatively easy .7 mile hike up to the pinnacle view.


As the trail begins, you'll encounter this fantastic overgrowth of rhododendron and mountain laurel, which weaves a small canopy above as you hike. The trail is well marked, but does have moderate pitch - so those of you that prefer hikes over flat land may want to come prepared.


The canopy opens up, wonderful views are available to your right. Don't be in such a hurry to reach the top, as you'll miss these treats. One other thing to keep an eye out for during the summer months : wild blueberries. There are several patches throughout the hike. We even passed one family taking a hike break and enjoying the sweet treat.

This hike is a quick jaunt, though, and at the end, you're rewarded with this outstanding 360 degree view:





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